by Jacques Bahati | Jan 28, 2015
There is an African proverb which says: “The ear is never too old to learn.” In eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mr. Marcel Mugoyi, a long time local chief of several villages, recently asked a local primary school principal to enroll him so that he can gain... by Jacques Bahati | Dec 22, 2014
Gender equality is a battle that even developed countries struggle with today. In Africa, women are fighting against the weight of tradition and other injustices. Socially, assigning roles based on gender is a practice that is very prevalent. There are very few women... by Jacques Bahati | Dec 15, 2014
(Download PDF file) In June 2014 Ghana was granted a $156 million loan by the World Bank on top of previous unpaid loans from the same institution. The loan was for improving the education sector mainly secondary education. The way the loan was to be distributed... by Jacques Bahati | Dec 5, 2014
This is a report by WorldFocus by Jacques Bahati | Nov 17, 2014
Land grabbing threatens the livelihood of many communities in Africa. Saudi Arabian companies are among the many grabbing land in Africa. Under the umbrella of the King Abdullah Initiative for Saudi Investment Abroad, Saudi investors have acquired land in Africa with... by Jacques Bahati | Nov 3, 2014
On October 31st the world has taken notice of an important historic event on the African continent: the people of the west African nation of Burkina Faso are free from one of Africa’s atrocious dictators. This liberation ends 28 years of oppression. An African proverb... by Jacques Bahati | Oct 17, 2014
By AFJN Intern Erika De Leener Namibia’s ruling South West Africa People’s Organization ( SWAPO) party has delivered its promise of equal gender representation.With 51% of Namibia’s population being woman it seems only fitting that there is equal representation. Not... by Jacques Bahati | Oct 16, 2014
Land Grabbing Research, Awareness and Prevention in Ghana’s Volta Region is a project of the Africa Faith and Justice Network (AFJN) funded by two Catholic religious congregations: The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and The Adorers of the Blood of... by Jacques Bahati | Oct 15, 2014
As the international community joins hands to stop the threat of the Ebola virus, Bahati Jacques of Africa Faith and Justice Network, a Catholic advocacy organization based in Washington DC, would like to also shine some light, stop and prevent another serious and...