NCR Covers AFJN’s Event on Ending Exterme Poverty

On April 29, 2015, Mark Pattison covered the event “Ending Extreme Poverty Now: Working Together with the Poor” co-sponsored by the Africa Faith and Justice Network and several other organizations at CUA. Read the full article, published in the National...

NCR Covers AFJN’s Event on Dialogue with Islam

On March 13, 2015, Thomas Reese covered AFJN’s March 6th event co-sponsored with CUA’s IPR in his article “Is dialogue with Islam possible?” featuring Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald in National Catholic Reporter. To read the full article click...

AFJN’s Work Featured in NCR Article

On December 9, 2014, Michael Sean Winters wrote an article in National Catholic Reporter featuring the work of the Africa Faith and Justice Network in “AFJN: Making Government Responsive.” Read the full article here:...

AFJN quoted in Redress Information and Analysis

On July 7, 2013, Graham Peebles quoted AFJN questioning the motives of the exploration missiong by saying “With the discovery of petroleum leading to exploration missions by foreign companies, the government’s motives [in the region] are questionable” in his article...