AFJN featured in

On May 26, 2020, the Africa Faith and Justice Network was mentioned in the article “Dzień Afryki: apele o umorzenie długów i zawieszenie broni” in Read the full article here: Dzień Afryki: apele o umorzenie długów i zawieszenie...

AFJN mentiond in Le Soir

On April 6, 2020, the Belgian chapter of the Africa Faith and Justice Network was mentioned in Le Soir because of its participation in the Health and Solidarity Action Platform (Plate-forme d’action Santé et Solidarité). The full article “L’austérité et la...

AFJN mentioned in

On April 6, 2020, the Africa Faith and Justice Network’s participation in the Health and Solidarity Action Platform (Actieplatform Gezondheid en Solidariteit) was mentioned in The full article “Besparingen en commercialisering verzwakken...